A-01 A-01-2 A-01-3 A-01-4

Roland A-01 Controller + Generator

Vörumerki: Roland Email
57900 kr
57900 kr
MIDI Controller og Sound Generator
(ath. nótnaborð fylgir ekki með)
POWERFUL POCKET MODULE WITH MIDI/ANALOG CONNECTIVITY AND SOUND ENGINE. A controller is a vital part of any music production setup, but choosing the right one can be a dilemma. You want a unit with the flexibility to drive all your MIDI and CV/GATE-equipped analog gear. You need to connect to the huge range of music-making apps for tablets and smartphones. And as a modern musician moving from gig to gig, you need to be able to work on projects whenever inspiration strikes. The Roland A-01 ticks all of your boxes—whether you want to warm up backstage, control every element of an elaborate home studio setup, or create original music from scratch, this flexible controller and sound generator is your one-stop solution.
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Opnunartími á Grensásvegi 12:

Virka daga

kl. 10 - 18


kl. 12 - 15
25.04 Sumardagurinn fyrsti 



HljóðX Rín
Grensásvegi 12, 108 Reykjavík
rin@rin.is / 553 3050

ID electronic ehf. 
Kennitala: 681004-3270
VSK númer: 8

HljóðX Rín - Grensásvegi 12, 108 Reykjavík - ID electronic ehf. kt. 681004-3270 - VSK Númer: 84775

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